Crestron 2-Series Control Systems are the brain of a complete integrated AV or automation solution. 2-Series Crestron控制系統完全集成的大腦AV或自動化解決方案。Every audio, video, and environmental element of the home, boardroom, classroom, or command center becomes integrated and accessible through the control system. 每一個音頻,視頻和環境要素的家里,會議室,教室,或指揮中心成為可以通過整合和控制系統。Crestron 2-Series control systems are unmatched for power, performance and scalability, providing the ideal choice for today's demanding control applications.2-Series Crestron控制系統是無可匹敵的權力、性能和可擴展性,提供理想的選擇要求的控制應用程序的今天。
The AV2 is designed for medium to large-scale commercial and residential control applications. 這是專為介質AV2大型商業和住宅的控制設備。Six built-in COM ports, eight IR/Serial ports, eight I/O Versiports, eight isolated relays, and optional Ethernet provide the essential interface for control of numerous devices including video projectors, plasma displays, switchers, DVD players, screens, lifts, and much more. 六個內置的COM端口,八個紅外/串口8 I / O Versiports,八個隔離繼電器,可選的以太網控制提供必要的接口器件(包括為數眾多的錄像放映機、等離子體顯示器、切換器、影碟機、窗紗、電梯、以及更多。The AV2 features a built-in power supply, with power available to support external Cresnet devices including touchpanels, keypads and expansion modules.AV2特征的內置電源、有能力可以用來支持外部Cresnet器件(包括touchpanels,鍵盤和擴展模塊。